Typically, it's for one of the following reasons...
1. "I don't have time..."
In between running a farm, running a business, and running around Dorset, there just aren't enough hours in the day to spend hunched over a laptop writing about it.
2. "I've got a website. I just need to find the password..."
A business website is the bare minimum and a great resource. But unless it's optimised, updated regularly, and promoted through social media - or if it doesn't show up on the first page after a search - it's a missed opportunity.
3. "I just don't know where to start."
Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest - what are they for, which ones do I need? Aren't they just for posting selfies? Too many choices, no idea which one to pick.
4. "It's not in my budget right now."
Shelling out another four-figure sum on my website isn't something I can afford. I'm getting by with print advertising and shows.
5. "I'm not much of a writer."
Hated Hamlet, never got into Pride and Prejudice, and even Thomas Hardy is a bit dry. But I'd like to see a journalist make one of my jams/pies/dry ciders.
So here comes the offer...
I'm an award-winning food writer, and experienced journalist, content writer and copywriter. I can help you tell your story, build your brand, and expand your social reach. That could be as little as taking care of a weekly newsletter and Twitter posts, to helping you build a multi-platform content plan. It helps that I'm passionate about Dorset food and drink, writing and communicating.
You can contact me through editor@dorsetgourmet.com - tell me which part of the marketing process has you flummoxed and I'll get back to you quickly with a strategy - or recommend you someone who can if it's a bit more technical.
Some background...
I used to edit this...
Have written or currently write for these magazines...
And have written hundreds of online articles for the following, among others...

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